Freshness Vicinity Genuineness


Fish Very Good, but also Freshness, Vicinity and Genuineness: three words to sum up the fish and seafood of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
And three fundamental conditions for a diet based on fish that is healthy, balanced and tasty in a wide range of recipes. And for a sustainable fishing industry in harmony with the cycles of nature and intelligent exploitation of the environment.

  • Freshness Just a few hours are all it takes from sea to purchase. In this way, all the goodness of the fish is assured.
  • Vicinity Serving fish that has been caught locally almost means a very low environmental impact.
  • Genuineness Healthy fish from a clean sea. No processing or transformation, to ensure that all the nutritional and sensory qualities of the fish arrive unchanged on the table.

Fish with a dedication: the target audience of Fish Very Good

Local fish, global action: Fish Very Good is a wide-ranging project aiming to support and promote local fishing and to raise awareness among the Italian and foreign public of the heritage of the traditions of the sea, its trades, excellent products and marine environment. For this reason, it is aimed at the widest possible range of exponents from the sector: fishermen, markets, fish companies, fishmongers, restaurants and chefs. And naturally, it looks also to anyone who eats fish: from those who appreciate it occasionally, with the aim of transforming them into enthusiasts, to gourmets.

The Promoters

Fish Very Good is a project falling within the scope of the Local development plan of the FVG CAG, the Coastal Action Group of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The CAGs were created by the European Union as an operative tool to ensure a balanced development of the fishing sector respecting marine and environmental resources. The Friuli Venezia Giulia CAG was founded in 2012 and embraces the territory of Duino Aurisina (TS) and Marano Lagunare (UD) and comprises public and private subjects. Its activities are financed by the Operative Programme of the EFF – European Fisheries Fund for 2007-2013 of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region –